Naomi is a coach at her core.
A coach is someone that helps a person get to a place they cannot get to on their own.
Naomi is the founder and CEO of Innovative Leadership Solutions, LLC. She leverages her wealth of leadership experiences and educational training from the Townsend Institute at Concordia University-Irvine (CA) serving now as a speaker, executive coach, and consultant. She has learned from leadership expert, Dr. John Townsend, and utilizes his Competence & Character Growth model with clients. His approach is the only executive coaching model that grows your character structure which enhances your leadership capacities. He defines character as that set of capacities required to meet the demands of reality. This model utilizes research and best practices from neuroscience, psychology, performance, and faith. Naomi also uses a behaviorist approach, cognitive perspectives, and emotional intelligence theories.
As a former student-athlete and coach, Naomi is particularly passionate to equip and empower those involved in the athletic arena. Through this transformational process she has been able to strengthen leadership areas that were previously underdeveloped and couldn’t be overcome through sheer willpower, determination, and mental toughness. While these are important, they cannot be the only source of strength and fuel.